It is our mission to mobilise the multilateral system and member states to drive long-term governance at a local, national and international level.
Understanding our Common Purpose
The Summit of the Future was a huge opportunity to drive forward this mission.
In September 2024, world leaders came together to agree an international consensus on how we deliver a better present and safeguard the future. Member countries voted to adopt a Pact for the Future and a Declaration for Future Generations “to cement collective agreements and to showcase global solidarity for current and future generations.”
This was the only summit in UN history to focus specifically on the future. We need to meet the potential of this moment to catalyse urgent action for current and future generations across the world.
Working towards global long-term governance
In 2024, we worked towards securing a successful Summit. 2025 and beyond is about mobilising countries to drive future generations’ policy at a local and national level.
We know that there is lots of interesting long-term governance work being done at the local and country level, but it is not feeding through to the international and multilateral stages.
This programme is dedicated to bridging the gap between the different layers of government, both domestically and internationally, to support early adopters in creating a route to innovations and reforms that lead to long-term governance and deliver on the high-ambition Declaration of Future Generations.
We will be doing this through research, weaving regional and global networks, and working in-country with officials and communities to build long-term governance capability.
We weave, incubate and scale networks of social change
We empower people who are working for better futures at a community, systemic and global level.
The Pledge Network
The Pledge Network is an informal collective of more than 100 cross-disciplinary leaders with expertise across futures, foresight, anticipatory governance, well-being and future generations policy.
Hosted by our IGF collaboratory, this international network of government officials is building and sharing practice in future generations, wellbeing economics and long -term decision-making.
In preparation for the Summit of the Future, SOIF delegates advocated for an ambitious Declaration for Future Generations at the Civil Society Conference in Nairobi, the first meeting of its kind in the Global South.
The Conference saw the launch of the Kenyan Senate Future Caucus – a visible show of the step-change in Africa, with members utilising foresight in their legislative, oversight and representative roles
Take a look at our first RAG assessment of the Summit of the Future process and how we think it can be improved
Australian Government
April 2024
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Sophie Howe travelled to advise the department of the Prime Minister and cabinet on implementation post-Summit of the Future as well as catching up with the ‘Young Australian of the Year’ and Chief Futures Officer, Dayle Stanley, from the Australian National University Futures Hub.
Helsinki, April 2024
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Cat Tully participated at the Exploring Strategic Foresight and Anticipatory Governance event in Helsinki to discuss what a successful Summit of the Future outcome might look like in Finland in a years time, as well as what actions need to be taken between now and then to make that happen.
Brussels, March 2024
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Sophie Howe joined ZOE Institute for Future-fit Economies to meet with the Cabinet of EU Commissioners to discuss proposals for an EU Commissioner for Future Generations.
They also met with political advisers to Members of the European Parliament to discuss ideas of how the EU Parliament could enhance futures scrutiny
Leuven, March 2024
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Sophie Howe spoke at the Future Generations Conference in Leuven. Futures took over the city where young people were given the keys to City Hall They came together to share ideas on what the future of jobs and skills might look like through music, art, fashion, and community engagement.
There was also a political commitment from the Deputy Mayor of the City, Lalynn Wadera, to seeing Leuven as one of the first cities in the world to have a Future Generations Commissioner
Lisbon, March 2024
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Sophie Howe and Cat Tully travelled to Lisbon to conduct transformative participatory exercises at the Future Days Conference. They translated these insights into actionable steps for shaping the future of Lisbon.
Building Capability for Long-term Governance for Sustainable Development:
Beyond Strategic Planning – Toolkit for Decision Makers
SOIF supported the Welsh Future Generations Commissioner in the drafting of the Wales Protocol for Future Generations, an implementation framework for the Declaration On Future Generations, designed to guide communities and world leaders towards a more sustainable and equitable future.