Gina Lucarelli
Gina led the build of and stewards the world’s largest learning network on sustainable development through the Accelerator Labs, 91 social innovation labs embedded in the United Nations Development Programme. She’s been working on human rights and development work for over 20 years, but is just getting started! She worked with the UN and partners mostly in Asia, Eastern Europe and most recently Africa. She writes, lectures on and is always looking for ways to tap into collective intelligence to transform the systems that will determine whether future generations will be able to meet their development needs. Her guest lecture engagements include States of Change, Future of Good, Forward50, MIT, Harvard Engineering and Design, Harvard Business School, and the Oxford Rhodes Forum for Technology. Her work has been awarded via Apolitical’s Public Service Team of the Year in 2019 ,covered in the MIT Sloan Review (Summer 2020) analyzed as a Harvard Business School Case Study (Fall 2022) and depicted in For Tomorrow, a documentary on grassroots innovation available on Amazon Prime (Release date September 16th, 2022).

Team Leader, Accelerator Labs Network, United Nations Development Programme