Carri Munn
Carri is a systems strategist, convening facilitator and leadership coach who partners with collaborative leaders to cultivate thriving organizations and impact networks. She has been consulting teams and advising changemakers for more than 25 years. Her clients include regional and global networks, NGOs, institutions and regenerative organizations. Carri’s bright spirit, generosity, detail tracking, care and creativity make her a great partner in collaborating to navigate change.
The daughter of a kindergarten teacher and corporate salesman in a long line of mild midwesterners, she became the first out-of-the-box champion of social entrepreneurs. After moving to the Pacific Northwest she worked for 12 years in consulting firms led by liberal advocates and magical queer folk. She has beenfortunate to be mentored by master facilitators, a cyborg anthropologist, community organizers, a brand strategist, and corporate rebels. In 2016 I “graduated” to pursue my love of organizations as living systems, launching Context for Action as a place to explore collective wisdom and regenerative social change.
Working across the private, public, and nonprofit sectors for the last 25 years, she hascultivated extensive experience supporting collaboration with forms that range from facilitating strategic planning and business modeling to participant engagement in collaborative decision-making, executive coaching, and team development. For the last 7 years my focus has been impact networks and emergent leadership. The constant along this diverse and winding path is her passion for participatory, relational processes that combine wisdom traditions with systems sensibility to cultivate our capacity to learn, adapt, and co-create change together. Whether working at the UN or Google, with local farmers or global agriculture networks, impact investors or affordable housing advocates, she brings rigor and heart to every engagement.
Carri is based in Portland, Oregon where she makes her home alongside family and community.She enjoys working across cultures with people dedicated to co-creating a flourishing world for all. She nourishes her soul by dancing, cooking, and traveling to visit friends and the wild places of this precious planet.
Carri holds a BA in Political Theory and a MA in Public Administration and Nonprofit Management.
Carri is currently affiliated with Circle Generation.

Partner, Circle Generation