Interview: Strategic Foresight as an Institutional Capacity in Companies & Government

In a recent interview with the Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS) from the  University of Pretoria, our director Cat Tully discussed strategic foresight as an institutional capacity in companies and governments. Marius Oosthuizen, a member of GIBS and expert in strategic foresight, welcomed Cat in the studio.

Drawing from her expertise in the field and experience providing strategy and foreign policy advice, Cat described strategic foresight as a discipline, which focuses in “engaging systemically with the future in order to make better decisions today.” By teaching strategic foresight, The School of International Futures helps institutions to build resilience and manage risk by making better decisions in the present day.

Discussing her work on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and for the United Nations, Cat also reflected on the importance of building the institutional capability as a civil service and as a government to think about the long-term. Although many institutions and governments are willing to think about the future, there is a tendency to focus on day-to-day decisions or short-term scenarios in order to hit established targets.

“It’s about how you continuously both think about the long-term and short-term at the same time.”

Equally, Cat acknowledged the importance of listening to new voices and upcoming generations when thinking about the future. With this goal, SOIF launched the Joseph Jaworski Next Generation Foresight Practitioners Award, an annual initiative recognising innovation and leadership from across new generations and geographies.

Watch the complete interview below: 




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