Finn Strivens
Finn is the creative lead on SOIF’s National Strategy for the Next Generations programme; a systems change programme looking to help the UK government to make policy in a long term and participative way. He is an NGFP fellow and the inaugural winner of the NGFP Walkabout Prize.
Finn specialises in creating engaging encounters, workshops and experiences, using design to engage communities in long term thinking. He regularly works with young people and community groups, including running TikTok futures workshops with multiple youth groups in London, interactive foresight games with university students, and developing a toolkit for citizens to create their own species for civic futuring.
Finn is a visiting lecturer in Global Innovation Design at Imperial College London and is founder and creative lead at Futurall, a design studio specialising in producing large scale participatory futures engagements. He is also a regular public speaker at foresight conferences such as Primer, Futures Festival, and the Global Foresight Summit.